The presentation of the FAO program for the conservation of rural landscape to Europe

Monday the 29th in Roma the FAO program for the conservation of rural landscapes will be presented to Europe For  15 years it was only a research program, but

The earthquake of Amatrice and the rural landscape

Among all the issues and the initiatives developed  after the earthquake of Amatrice, it is worth spending a few words on the  rural landscape. The Italian ministry of Cultura Heritage

The Bialowieza National Park in Poland

There has been an intense debate recently on cuttings going on in the Bialowieza National Park in Poland, promoted by an article published on the Guardian, claiming the destruction of

Paris Global Landscape Forum  at COP 21 and  landscape restoration

  During the UN Conference on Climate (COP 21), occurring in Paris, the third edition of the Global Landscape Forum was held, with more than 4000 people attending and 40

Rural landscape and biocultural diversity: the swallows in Italy

  Many biodiversity types, especially the typical ones of Italian rural landscapes,  depend on the  traditional rural practices and are connected with an active presence of the man,  not with
